Yin Chuan

Mountain Residence【山居】



Mountain Residence Hetian jade in green-and-black (Qinghua) with a fine and oily texture, dense structure, and excellent luster. The piece exudes a serene aesthetic, meticulously crafted with smooth and natural lines. The intricate carving depicts landscapes with a sense of ethereal vastness, offering a tranquil escape from the clamor of the world. A masterpiece of unparalleled beauty! Specifications: 92.5/55/32.7mm, approx. weight: 263.3g 《山居 》 和田玉青花、玉质细腻油润,结构紧致,油性十足,意境优美精工细琢,线条流畅自然,精雕山水,画面空灵致远,带给人远离喧嚣,与世无争的享受,整体优美、美不胜收! 规格:92.5/55/32.7 重约263.3

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